Give your business the ability to accept payments for services online.

First Citizens e-Commerce online payment platform enables your company the ability to accept payments for services online. A payment gateway by FAC (First Atlantic Commerce).
● Allows for settlement in TTD currency. A First Citizens account will be required for the collection of all payments processed using the gateway
● 3DSecure technology developed by Visa and MasterCard is used to mitigate e-Commerce fraud
● The payment page is hosted on a payment gateway to ensure Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance (PCIDSS)

What You’ll Need To Get Started

● A formal request from the company
with Business Plan and projections
which should include a background of
the company and its owners as well as
the product or service being provided
to its customers.
● All Company documents inclusive of
the most recent annual return
● Copies of valid identification (ID’s) for all Directors/Secretary of the company
● Refund Policy
● Payment process and strategies the company will employ to detect/deal with possible fraudulent payments
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