First Citizens SMS Banking offers you the convenience to use your mobile phone to access eligible accounts via SMS to:

To use First Citizens SMS Banking you need the following:

What are Commands and how do I use them?

Commands are the SMS you send from your mobile device to First Citizens to request your account information or transfer money between your eligible accounts. After you have verified your mobile phone number, send a SMS to the First Citizens Mobile Text short code 34778 (FIRST) using one of the commands.Each of these quick codes will request an SMS with the information shown below :

CommandWhat it does
BALRetrieve balance for default account
BAL <Insert Nickname>
For Example: BAL Sav1
Retrieve balance on a registered account using account nickname
BAL ALLRetrieve balance for all registered account
HISTRetrieve list of the 10 most recent transactions posted on default registered account
HIST <Insert Nickname>
For Example: HIST Sav1
Retrieve list of the 10 most recent transactions posted on a registered account using a nickname
HIST d, from <date> to <date>
For Example: HIST d, from 04-05-2020 to 06-05-2020
Retrieve list of posted transactions on default registered account with date range specified, (maximum of 10 transactions)
HIST <nickname> d, from <date> to <date>
For Example: HIST Sav1 d, from 04-05-2020 to 06-05-2020
Retrieve list of posted transactions on a registered account using account nickname, within the date range specified,(maximum of 10 transactions)
from <low cheque number > to <high cheque number>
For Example: Hist c, from 200 to 205
Retrieve list of posted cheques on your default registered account, within the cheque range number range specified
HIST <nickname> c, from <low cheque number > to <high cheque number>
For Example: Hist Chq1 c, from 200 to 205
Retrieve list of the posted cheques on your registered account, with a nickname, within the cheque number range specified
RTRARetrieve list of the 3 most recent posted transfers from your default registered account
RTRA <nickname>
For Example: RTRA sav1
Retrieve a list of the 3 most recent posted transfers from your registered account with a nickname
RTRA ALLRetrieve a list of the 3 most recent posted transfers from all your registered accounts
TRAN <nickname1> <nickname2> Amount
For Example: tran ck1 ck2 100
Transfer amount between accounts using nicknames
TRAN <nickname1> <Amount>
For Example: tran ck2 500
Transfer amount from the default registered account to the specified registered account using the nickname
TRAN <nickname1> <Amount> <Date>
For Example: tran ck2 500 04-10-2020
Transfer amount from the default registered account to the specified registered account with the nickname, for a scheduled future date.
TRAN <nickname1> <nickname2> <Amount> <Date>
For Example: tran sav1 ck1 500 04-10-2020
Transfer stated amount from a registered specified nicknamed account to a second registered nicknamed account, for a scheduled future date.
HELP BALRetrieve information on the format of the balance commands
HELP TRANRetrieve information on the format of the Transfer commands
HELP RTRARetrieve information on the format of the Recent Transfers commands
HELP HISTRetrieve information on the format of the Account History commands
 HELPRetrieve information on the format of the Help command
 STOPUnsubscribe your mobile device from receiving First Citizens SMS Alert messages

Sending Commands:

Using SMS Banking is as simple as sending a short command via SMS to the First Citizens shortcode 34778 (FIRST).

When you send First Citizens a SMS, make sure you send it to the First Citizens SMS Banking short code 34778 (FIRST). You may be able to store this number in your mobile contacts or address book just like a regular phone number.

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