Additional Public Offering Of Shares By First Citizens Holdings Limited In First Citizens Group Financial Holdings Limited
Share In Our Success

Offer for sale of 10,869,565 Ordinary Shares in First Citizens Group Financial Holdings Limited at a price of TT$50 per share.
Friday 22 July, 2022 at 4:00pm
To apply for shares in this APO, an applicant must have a brokerage account and must complete and submit a Purchase Application Form

Offer for sale by First Citizens Holdings Limited (the “Offeror”) of 10,869,565 ordinary shares in First Citizens Group Financial Holdings Limited of no par value at TT$50.00 per share payable in full on application.
The Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission has not in any way evaluated the merits of the securities offered hereunder and any representation to the contrary is an offence.
No underwriter has been involved in the distribution or performed any review of the contents of this Prospectus.

The following are the minimum requirements to complete the account opening process:
- Valid government issued photo identification (National ID card OR Passport OR Drivers Permit with Birth Certificate).
- Proof of address: a utility bill dated May/June 2022.
- Proof of income: a job letter or payslip dated May/June 2022.
- A chequing or savings bank account number to complete remittance details. Accounts must not be dormant or inactive.
- Non-nationals of Trinidad and Tobago need to provide full colour, notarized copies of the two forms of valid government issued photo identification (National ID card OR passport OR Drivers Permit with Birth Certificate). Notarized copies of proof of address, proof of income and local bank account number must be provided, along with a bank reference letter.
Brokerage accounts can be opened at any Brokers or Authorized Agents and the above requirements may vary. Companies wishing to open a brokerage account should contact any Brokers or Authorized Agents for requirements.
Account Openings and Application Submissions at the Lead Distribution Agent First Citizens Brokerage and Advisory Services Limited (FCBAS) offices are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY:
- Wainwright Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain –
- Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando –
Tobago Applicants: The Lead Authorized Distribution Agent First Citizens Brokerage and Advisory Services Limited (FCBAS) will be in Tobago to facilitate account openings and to accept applications valued at $50,000 or more.

The following must be provided along with a purchase application form:
- Brokerage Account Number.
- Valid government issued photo identification of all parties named on the brokerage account.
- A chequing or savings bank account number to complete remittance details. Accounts must not be dormant or inactive.
- Payment with a TT dollar cheque in the exact amount related to the number of shares requested. Cheques are to be made payable to “FCGFHL APO” and can be personal or manager/bank cheques and must be issued by any one of the holders or a combination of holders of the TTCD account. Third party cheques will not be accepted.
- Subscriptions valued at TT$50,000 or more MUST be submitted to the applicant’s authorized distribution agent and will require a completed source of funds declaration form along with proof of same.
Companies wishing to submit a Purchase Application Form should contact any Broker or Authorized Agent for requirements.
Branches of First Citizens Bank Limited will accept applications valued at less than TT$50,000 only for holders of valid brokerage accounts, regardless of the Broker or Authorized Agent used.
Application Submissions valued at TT$50,000 or more, at the Lead Distribution Agent First Citizens Brokerage and Advisory Services Limited (FCBAS) offices are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY:
- Wainwright Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain –
- Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando –
Tobago Applicants: Persons with existing Brokerage accounts and wishing to invest less than $50,000 should do so at First Citizens Bank Branches at Scarborough, Roxborough or Canaan.
Purchase Application Forms are available from the following Brokers or Authorized Agents:
- First Citizens Brokerage and Advisory Services Limited
- Republic Wealth Management Limited
- West Indies Stock Brokers Limited
- JMMB Securities (T&T) Limited
- Republic Wealth Management Limited
- Bourse Brokers Limited
- Caribbean Stockbrokers Limited
- First Citizens Bank Branches
- NCB Merchant Bank (T&T) Limited

Branches of First Citizens Bank Limited will accept applications valued at less than TT$50,000 only for holders of valid brokerage accounts, regardless of the authorized distribution agent used.
Account Openings and Application Submissions at the Lead Distribution Agent First Citizens Brokerage and Advisory Services Limited (FCBAS) offices are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY:
- Wainwright Street, St. Clair, Port of Spain –
- Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando –
Appointments must be made 48 hour in advance.