We began this journey Together!
Press Release

We began this journey Together! On September 13, 1993, newspaper headlines hailed us as the “3-IN-1” bank, the coming together of three Indigenous Banks. We’ve grown and succeeded Together! Today we’ve become a leading financial services Group in the Caribbean, grateful to the customers, shareholders, employees and stakeholders who share in our success. We’ve made a difference Together! We’ve touched the lives of thousands across Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia and Costa Rica, by working together with scores of CSR partners, to make a meaningful impact within our communities. Together we have so much more to achieve! We are convinced that together anything is possible! With the loyalty, support and resilience of you the people who believed in us, together the future is brighter than ever. Today, March 13th, 2023, join us in marking our six-month countdown to our 30th Anniversary on September 13th, 2023! Let’s celebrate Together! |