When you pay in full for your international travel tickets for a registered common carrier with your Visa Platinum, Signature or Infinite you will receive, free of charge and worldwide, protection against accidents or medical emergencies that happen outside of your country of residence or country where card is issued.
Your international emergency medical services will cover you, cardholder and/or whoever you purchased a ticket for with your eligible Visa card, in case of accidents or medical emergencies that occur when you are enjoying your trips abroad. These services include medical, dental, prescription, and lodging and transportation expenses as defined in the terms and conditions. This service also provides you with the Schengen Certificate for your trips to Europe. You will have up to thirty days to open a claim case. This protection covers trips of up to sixty consecutive days of length.
International Emergency Medical Services Coverage Amount According To The Visa

Card Type

In the case of a Medical Emergency or Accident during an Eligible Trip, a Beneficiary has access to the benefit limits listed below:

1. Medical Assistance Services 
a. Emergency medical expenses 
b. Emergency dental treatment

Visa Platinum 
The medical assistance services will have a maximum benefit amount that will not exceed 50,000 USD per Beneficiary.

Visa Signature / Visa Infinite 
The medical assistance services will have a maximum benefit amount that will not exceed 100,000 USD per Beneficiary.

2. Transportation and Accommodation Services
a. Emergency medical evacuation 
b. Repatriation of mortal remains 
c. Early return or extended stay 
d. Convalescence

Visa Platinum 
The transportation or accommodation service will have a maximum benefit amount that will not exceed the total amount of 100,000 USD per Medical Emergency or Accident. Visa Online Medic is included here.

Visa Signature / Visa Infinite
The transportation or accommodation service will have a maximum benefit amount that will not exceed the total amount of 100,000 USD per Medical Emergency or Accident. Visa Online Medic is included here.

Coverage includes the country of issuance of the Visa card, as long as it is allowed by local laws. This protection does not apply for rented vehicles in Cuba, Syria, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, or other countries listed on OFAC.

Coverage is subject to the applicable terms and conditions and may be updated from time to time. Please visit the Visa Benefits Portal, www.visa.com/benefitsportal to download the full applicable terms and conditions. 

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